Thursday, 3 March 2011

This Weekends Ride, Money and Hill Climbs

Hello Gentlemen, I hope your training is going well and you are clocking up the miles. If you look on the Just giving Website or at the gadget to the right you can see we’ve raised 6% of our target (£150 to date).

We still have a long way to go. If you can think of anyone who may be able to help publicise our challenge to get it to a wider audience then do shout out. I have paper sponsor forms for those who need them

This Weekends Cycle – Anyone fancy cycling to St Albans on Saturday or Sunday ?? Sunday would be better for me but I know that Leigh and Ainsley can’t make it. Conor and Mathew are on a Training Day in Stepney so they can’t make it either.

I’m gonna start doing some hill climb sessions during the week in the evenings …’s the route..

Cycle up Falmouth, up The Charter, Left down Chingford Lane, accross the Hatch under the Railway left down Larkshall over the crossing and up Oak Hill left into Woodford New Road and back Down the Charter.

Its 5.37 miles and incorporates one climb up the Charter Road and one climb up Oak Hill. It won’t make up for time in the saddle but it will strengthen our legs a bit. I reckon 3 circuits in an hour.

Anyone interested in joining me if so what days are best for you.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately unable to join you at the weekend due to work and Jesse's birthday, but may be available for the hill climbs. What evening do you have in mind.... and does anyone have some spare lights?
